Sunday, May 15, 2022

May 9-13

 This week the students finished up their measurement project.  After reading the book "Measuring Penny" which is a book about a girl named Lisa who has an important homework assignment--to measure something in several different ways. She has to use standard units like inches and nonstandard units like paper clips to find out height, width, length, weight, volume, temperature, and time. She decides to use her dog.  Students were asked to bring in their own stuffy to do some measurements of.  They recorded their measurements and then created a poster to represent them.  

We also discussed how we use measurement in everyday life and why it is important.  The students had to come up with one way they use measurement in their life and represent it.  

We also got to cheer on our Calgary Flames with a spirit day of wearing Red!  Go Flames Go!!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

It's May!

 Well the last month went by super fast and we are heading into a busy May!  We have two field trips this month and would love to have some parent volunteers join us.  We require 4 parents for each day that have a current police security clearance.  May 24 we are headed to the Leighton Centre all day and May 26 we have Teacher's Pet coming into our classroom for our last Science unit...Boats and Buoyancy.  Please email me ASAP if you are able to volunteer.

Tomorrow we are working on a fun measuring activity.  Please have your child bring 1 stuffy to school for this activity.